Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Windows 8 All Edition 32-bit & 64-bit

Windows 8 All Edition ini terdiri dari 16 versi windows 8 Build 9200 RTM dalam 1 DVD yang berarsitektur 32-bit dan 64-bit yang diambil dari MSDN Subscriptions diantaranya yakni:
  1. Windows 8 Core X86
  2. Windows 8 Core N X86
  3. Windows 8 Professional X86
  4. Windows 8 Professional VL X86
  5. Windows 8 Professional N X86
  6. Windows 8 Professional With Media Center X86
  7. Windows 8 Enterprise X86
  8. Windows 8 Enterprise N X86
  9. Windows 8 Core X64
  10. Windows 8 Core N X64
  11. Windows 8 Professional X64
  12. Windows 8 Professional VL X64
  13. Windows 8 Professional N X64
  14. Windows 8 Professional With Media Center X64
  15. Windows 8 Enterprise X64
  16. Windows 8 Enterprise N X64
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original post : WEDOSCAGE

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